DISCIPLED: Discipleship Principles from The Followers of Jesus

The first followers of Jesus, the original disciples, exemplified several foundational principles of discipleship that continue to resonate with believers today. These principles, drawn from their experiences and interactions with Jesus, offer timeless guidance for those seeking to follow Christ wholeheartedly:

Intimate Relationship with Jesus: The disciples prioritized cultivating a close and personal relationship with Jesus. They spent time with Him, listened to His teachings, and witnessed His life and ministry firsthand. This principle reminds us of the importance of spending time in prayer, studying God’s Word, and seeking communion with Jesus to deepen our understanding of Him.

Obedience and Surrender: When Jesus called the disciples, they immediately left their nets and followed Him. They exhibited obedience and surrendered their lives to His leadership. This principle calls us to surrender our will to God’s and follow Him wholeheartedly, trusting His plans and purposes for our lives.

Learning by Observation and Imitation: The disciples learned not only through direct teaching but also by observing Jesus’ actions and character. They sought to imitate His love, compassion, and servant-heartedness. This principle encourages us to model our lives after Christ’s example, becoming more like Him in our attitudes and actions.

Empowerment and Commissioning: Before ascending to heaven, Jesus commissioned His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching them. He empowered them with the Holy Spirit to fulfill this mission. This principle highlights the importance of being equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit for effective ministry and discipleship.

Community and Accountability: The disciples lived in community, sharing their lives, experiences, and resources with one another. They held each other accountable and supported one another in their faith journeys. This principle emphasizes the significance of being part of a Christ-centered community where we can grow together and bear one another’s burdens.

Risk-taking and Faith: The disciples often faced challenges and uncertainties, but they demonstrated faith and took risks in following Jesus. This principle encourages us to step out in faith, trusting God even in the face of uncertainty, and being willing to take risks for His kingdom.

Mission-Oriented: The disciples were committed to the mission of sharing the Gospel with others, proclaiming the good news of Jesus’ salvation. This principle calls us to be mission-focused, actively sharing the love of Christ and inviting others to know Him.

By embracing these discipleship principles from the first followers of Jesus, we can cultivate a deeper and more transformative walk with Christ, becoming more effective in fulfilling His call to be His disciples in the world.

Preacher Chad

About cdonley04

I am a servant of God, a husband and a father. I love my God, my wife and my children with all that I am. I thank my God daily that He chooses to use me in spite of me!
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