Embracing Community and Risk-Taking: Essential Aspects of Discipleship

As we journey through our sermon series, “Discipled: Discipleship Principles from the Follower of Jesus,” we delve deeper into the core elements of what it means to follow Christ wholeheartedly. In our latest lesson, “Community & Risk-Taking,” we explore two essential aspects of discipleship that were exemplified by the first followers of Jesus.

Thriving in Community

The early disciples understood the significance of community in nurturing their faith and supporting one another in their walk with Christ. Acts 2:42-47 paints a vivid picture of their life together, characterized by devotion to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. In a world marked by individualism and isolation, we are reminded of the importance of Christian community in our journey of discipleship. Through fellowship, encouragement, and accountability, we can grow spiritually and fulfill our calling as disciples of Jesus.

Taking Risks for Jesus

The first disciples demonstrated remarkable courage and faith as they took risks to follow Jesus. Whether it was Peter stepping out of the boat to walk on water or the disciples leaving everything to follow Christ, their lives were marked by boldness and trust in God’s promises. Matthew 14:22-33 illustrates the importance of stepping out in faith, even in the face of uncertainty and fear. As disciples today, we are called to embrace a similar spirit of risk-taking, willing to step out of our comfort zones and follow Jesus wherever He leads.


Discipleship is not merely about individual piety or religious observance but about vibrant community and courageous faith. As we seek to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, may we embrace the rich fellowship of the church and step out in faith, trusting in God’s guidance and provision. Let us continue to grow as disciples, learning from the example of the first followers of Jesus and embodying their spirit of community and risk-taking in our lives today.

Preacher Chad

About cdonley04

I am a servant of God, a husband and a father. I love my God, my wife and my children with all that I am. I thank my God daily that He chooses to use me in spite of me!
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1 Response to Embracing Community and Risk-Taking: Essential Aspects of Discipleship

  1. Lazlo says:

    This sermon series, “Discipled: Discipleship Principles from the Follower of Jesus,” offers a profound exploration of what it truly means to live as Christ’s disciples, through the compelling lens of “Community & Risk-Taking.” Your vivid invocation of Acts 2:42-47 beautifully underscores the transformative power of community in our spiritual journey—how it can uplift, support, and propel us toward our divine purpose. Moreover, the courage of the first disciples, as illustrated in Matthew 14:22-33, serves as a stirring reminder of the boldness required in our faith walk. These historical echoes challenge us to transcend the commonplace, urging us into deeper waters of trust and commitment. As we navigate the complexities of modern discipleship, your message inspires us to foster a resilient community and embrace the sanctity of risk, anchored always by the teachings and life of Jesus.

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