CHRISTMAS IS WORSHIP: A Celebration of the Gift of Christ

As we delve into the final week of our “Christmas is…” sermon series, we discover that Christmas is not just a time for festivities and exchanging gifts. It is a profound call to worship, celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

1) WORSHIP HIM FOR WHO HE IS. The Gospel of Matthew unfolds the divine message that the child born to Mary shall be named Jesus, signifying the role of our Savior who rescues us from sin (Matthew 1:21). This fulfillment of the prophetic word, “Immanuel,” declares God’s tangible presence among us. The name itself echoes through the ages, resonating with the truth that our Lord is with us, deserving of our worship for His very nature (Matthew 1:23).

2) WORSHIP HIM FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE. In the depth of God’s grace lies our salvation. Christ, in His appearance, abolished the chains of death, bringing forth life everlasting. The birth of Jesus is not just a historical event but the advent of grace, revealing God’s purpose and inviting us to a holy life (2 Timothy 1:9-10). Worship emanates from our hearts, acknowledging the transformative power of Christ’s redemptive work on the cross.

3) WORSHIP HIM FOR WHAT HE WILL DO. Our worship extends beyond the manger to the immeasurable promises of God. The power at work within us, through Christ, goes beyond our comprehension. Ephesians encourages us to glorify Him throughout generations, recognizing that every good and perfect gift originates from God (Ephesians 3:20-21).

THE GIFT THAT ONLY I CAN GIVE JESUS IS MY WORSHIP. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the season, we are reminded that the ultimate gift we can present to Jesus is our worship. Romans urges believers to offer their lives as living sacrifices—a spiritual act of worship (Romans 12:1). As we reflect on the gift of Christ, let our worship be a heartfelt response to the wonder of God’s mercy.

This Christmas, let’s embrace the truth that Christmas is a call to worship—a celebration of the divine gift that transforms our lives. May our worship be a resounding chorus, echoing the praise of the shepherds and the magi, as we exalt the newborn King.


About cdonley04

I am a servant of God, a husband and a father. I love my God, my wife and my children with all that I am. I thank my God daily that He chooses to use me in spite of me!
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